I am slightly terrified. I am attempting to do something that I never thought I would do, share my writings with people I do not know. The part that frightens me is unclear though. I am not sure if it is the possibility of failing at something I truly enjoy, or if it is succeeding at it. I hope that you enjoy what I write, and truly look forward to whatever happens as I blindfold myself and take this first step off of a very high building.
So, here we go…
I find that so many things in the world today, have become very impersonal. The simple day-to-day things we do, have lost the connection they may have once had, and have been replaced by actions that make everything, move along quicker. We are served food through windows where our only contact with a person is a voice over an intercom, and the brief moment when someone takes our money, hands us a bag, and then expects you to drive off quickly so they can repeat the process. There is no time for simple, common courtesy, or interaction. No asking how someone is, or how they are doing. No time to ask someone what they enjoy, and mean it, and no time to enjoy something you are doing. Many people follow in these patterns, as if they were acceptable. I do not like this. I just don’t, and I don’t want to be like that.
So, if you took the time coming here to read this, thank you for your time.
I will make you these promises;
I will always try and make what you read here, interesting.
I promise that if you stick with me, and my writing, I will always try and improve, and make it better.
I promise to try and make you laugh.
I promise to try and make you cry.
I promise to try and make you see the wonder in something.
I promise to try and make your heart ache.
Please, come along for my very uncertain, and frightening, promise.
Above all, Enjoy what you do.
Hey, Gregie Poo!! I’m looking forward to reading more!! I hope you enjoy writing. I wish I had more time for it…
Who knows, maybe you’ll inspire me to finally do it. 😉
Thank you Katie L. Anything you do matters, as long as you enjoy it. Thank you for taking the time.