Daily Archives: November 18, 2015

Hello Sports Fans! We are live at Fuuka U Arena, where moments ago, the fight took an unexpected turn. Give the folks at home a little run down of what’s happening Mike. Certainly, certainly. This is Malicious Mike, along with Disheartening Dave, and moments ago the referee left during the […]

Live from Fuuka U Arena

There is a reason I don’t hunt. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, I actually really do. It is the afterwards that causes a trigger to go off. It is the smell. Whether it is deer, or an elk, lying there, or hanging afterwards, it causes two things to […]


There are times when we must do something so, horrific, in our own minds, that the thought, makes us physically sick. Mine was yesterday. I said something, that… I said something, that was meant to push someone away from me, and possibly towards another. The reason for this is simple, […]
