

The ideas, people, and reasoning, that we hold as important in our lives, brings with it a measure of determination, when anything needs done concerning these factors.

The determination and drive that we put forth, can show those around us, the importance of the things that we hold dear, but at the same time, it should also show you that same importance. My determination in my writing, is something that carries me through the times when I struggle with it. A certain section that eludes me on how to write it so it comes across to a reader correctly. So that, the vision I have of a location, or a scene, comes through with enough detail that the reader can not only see, but believe it is somewhere.

When I have a rough time in doing this, I can pause, take a little time to find out what I am having trouble with, and once I do recognize what that is, go back and continue writing.

My determination, carries me through hard times. I cannot stop. I will not stop. I will fight for what I want, and I will do so because it is important to me. My determination, allows me to look at the problems before me, and know, I will figure out a solution, or a way to deal with that problem.

Everyone needs a measure of determination in their lives. And if you struggle in finding that determination you need, look in a mirror. That person you see staring back at you, is the reason your determination is needed. If you hold these things in your life important for any reason, then that determination is warranted.

To do so with the measure of importance that you hold them, that person in the mirror should be held to as high of a level of determination. The reason for this is that the importance you grant these things, increases along with your own self worth. Understanding your worth, your own self worth, means that as you look at yourself with the knowledge that you are important, that you are worth more, then anything else that you deem important, is by proxy, increased in worth due to your attention.

The determination to improve yourself, should always be a driving factor in your life, so that you may show others, how much you value them.


Determination. Enjoy what you do.