Darkness & Light

There is a darkness inside all of us.

For most, it is the part of you that only shows up, when absolutely needed. That part of you, that is there because it views everything as survival. It’s job is to do what has to be done, for you to survive. I do not mean this entirely in a literal sense, but in the manner of you as the person you currently are.

When I say that there is a darkness in us, I do not necessarily mean an evil either. It is neither good, nor evil. It is simply darkness. It is the protector of you. It cares for nothing else. Only you. That darkness comes forth when you need it most, and at times, when you don’t even realize it is needed. It cares for nothing else besides you, and it lives exactly where you are when it comes out. In the dark.

That instinctual nature that many people are not in touch with, is his or her, playground. When you experience something that brings you into the dark, that is when he or she comes to you. The darkness wraps itself around you, a protective cloak, and waits. It waits, simply because it knows, you would not be in its home, if it was not needed. It waits, because the dark is its home. It can see here. It breathes, smells, and hunts here. The dark is its territory, and now that you are in its embrace, the darkness will hold you under its protective cloak, while it deals with the threats it sees before it.

That is the problem with the darkness though, it lives there. It has no context of the light, only that it is the place you want to be. It does not know that others live in the light, it does not care. It cares only about you, and so, under its protection, it starts the journey back to the light. Back to where you want to be. The darkness is a protector, and a guide. It lives in this realm of dark, because it knows things. It knows that other things live here too. That is why it lives here. It lives among the things you place in the dark, so that it may guide you out of it when you arrive. However, the darkness has a secret it will not share.

The darkness does not care about anything but you, and so when friends, or family, leave the light and enter the dark seeking you out, the darkness sees that something is in its path. Something is trying to stop you, so it lashes out. It attacks out of a protective need it has to watch over you while you get back to the light. It does not understand the others in its path want the same thing for you, it does not care. It cares about you. So you, have to tell the darkness, that those others are there to help. It will listen to you, but you have to have the control to do so.

Many of us enter the dark at various times in our lives, and in many forms. Depression, anxiety, fear, all of it leads to the dark. All of it leads to the occupant that waits to protect you, the darkness. The darkness is not only the protector, and guide, it is also something else. It is something else because of the secret it will not share. It does not share the secret, because it is also a teacher. It does not know how to teach though, it does not care to, it protects and guides you where you need to go, and in doing so hopes that you learn along the way. It hopes that you learn about whatever brought you into its realm, because the darkness does not care about you either, when you are not there. It only cares about you when you are, and so it guides you through the unknown terrain of the dark, hoping that you will learn why you came, so that you do not come back.

The darkness has a secret it cannot tell, only teach.

In the dark, it is easier to see the light. Only if you know how to look for it.


Worst teacher ever. Enjoy what you do.