
Today, is an odd day to me. One of gratitude, acceptance, and vulnerability. So, as such, let me thank a few people in particular, whether they are around to hear it or not.   To those that have passed. Many will not understand these words, but they are for you. […]


I stopped raising my hands in anger, nearly ten years ago. It was my form of AA, in a way. I’ve jumped off the wagon a few times, but for the most part, I have been fairly successful with it. Now… (Coughs. Clears throat.) My name is Greg Miller. I […]


I am claustrophobic. Now, combine this with PTSD. See my issue? I have a very good idea of where the problem stems from, but it does not seem to help alleviate the problem. My fear on spaces, is escape, and restriction. I find that I have to know where doors, […]


I seem to have this horrible gift. I am not sure when, exactly, that it manifested. I do know, that I was fairly young. It is my super power. It has a mind of its own, and it is evil. It has grown in power and strength over the years, […]

My Super Power

That’s right! I challenge you! You heard me! I have a phrase I use when my mood turns toward other ways. I call it “Going Dark”. Now, when I say I am going dark, this can be meant as I am in a foul mood, aggressive, confrontational, or even just […]

I Challenge You!

The little boy came running into the class room, his smile spread across his face as he hummed to himself. The teacher watched the boy as he went about getting his pencils and paper ready for the day, continuing to hum as he did. “Monday is a hockey day,” he […]


Not many people know this, but fall and spring have always had a special place in my heart. Fall has always been a very visual reminder of change to me. The way the air stirs, and the wind seems to rise as the colder air shifts in. The crispness of […]

The change of Fall

My website launched on Halloween as a test for friends to look at and give me some feedback on how ease of use was, appearance, things like that. I ended up leaving the site active just for something to focus my attention on, and I received a surprise. The number […]

Thank you Everyone

I am a survivor. Just follow me on this. When in danger, or my perception of danger, I tuck my elbows close, the hands come up, I bend my knees to lower my center of gravity, and I stay on the balls of my feet. At this point, I am […]


Passion. I love this word. The images it invokes. The feelings it conjures. Just saying it makes me smile. Passion. Your hand sliding over a woman’s hip. Lips slowly grazing skin. Two dancers performing a Tango. Playing a violin. Scrap booking. Whatever you enjoy, make it your passion. You should […]


One day a little girl was playing at the park. A pleasant breeze blew through the park as the sun shined bright overhead. Other kids were playing on the slides and bars as she swung back and forth on the swing, smiling. The little girl suddenly felt a sadness in […]

The Sad Ghost

Today I want to explain a little about the world of So’Var. So’Var started as a single piece of paper. A simple, little map, for an RPG game. What it quickly became, is an obsession. My love of writing kicked in, and off I went. Before I knew what happened, […]

The World of So’Var

A common question I hear about writing in general is, “Where do you get your inspiration?” A simple enough question, but the answer can sometimes get clouded. It can be almost anything. Something you hear, or someone you see. A visual trigger of sorts, or even a reflective moment when […]


I enjoy the way laughter makes you feel. The way you loose control over yourself at the humor you found in whatever was said, or happened. Very rarely do I burst out into fits of uncontrolled laughter, but when I do, I try and enjoy them as much as possible. […]

Laughter is good for you

I have a saying. I hate to admit that, but I do. Everyone has a story, some are just more colorful than others. I like the saying. It holds true. It does not mean that one story is better than another, simply that the color pallets are different. Some are […]

Find your story

My head is screaming at me right now. Yelling inside my own brain, to not write this. To deny, truth. I have PTSD. And now, I find myself staring at my own screen, almost unable to believe I am going to tell you about this. I have PTSD. I have […]

Living with PTSD

I am slightly terrified. I am attempting to do something that I never thought I would do, share my writings with people I do not know. The part that frightens me is unclear though. I am not sure if it is the possibility of failing at something I truly enjoy, […]

My Frightening Promise