Roanoke Colony.
Amelia Earhart.
Voynich Manuscript.
DB Cooper.
The Mary Celeste.
Colonel Percy Fawcett.
It is the unknown, the mystery, behind these names that fascinates me the most. Along with dozens of other names, these make me ask those questions; What happened? Where did they go? Is it possible?
The mystery that you can find in many things, tends to elude some of us. Hiding in plain sight, along with the coffee maker, or the toaster. Being able to see the mystery in something is a spectacular thing, that should be done as often as possible. It makes us view something, differently, unexpectedly, and often, puts whatever it is in a new light.
I do this with many things, but truly enjoy it with the individuals I meet, or know. Think about someone you know really well. Now, ask yourself, what you don’t know about them. That is the mystery. Simple things, like where they want to travel to, can tell you a great deal about them, offering you insight into a piece of them, that perhaps, you had never seen before. I truly enjoy finding the mystery in another.
Seeing, and being able to recognize the mystery in the world around you, can put a smile on your face without you realizing it. It is the mystery of the uncertain. Where does that road go? Where does this mountain trail go? How far down does this big hole go?
Being able to question the mystery in ourselves, can be a tough challenge. You have to be able to accept the truth for what it is. And if you can, then the mystery of your own worth, can show itself in a surprising fashion.
The self-examination of finding that mystery in ourselves, is often difficult, but can also lead us to smile, with what we find.
Another person, sharing what mystery they find, can also lead us to see, the true beauty, in ourselves, that they already saw in us.
Find the mystery. Enjoy what you do.
Mystery compels a search toward deeper relationship with yourself and your higher selfs!