Writing Again 4

I finally got back to writing on the second book in the Duri’pen series. Which is good, because I am way behind on my schedule.

I have to admit, it felt really good to be writing again, and diving back into it. My head twisting and maneuvering, among the problems found in Rose Bed. I had hoped to have the map of Rose Bed done by now, but it is being reworked for me, so that I can concentrate on writing.

I love hitting that groove, where you just grin at the screen like an insane person, meanwhile your pounding away at the keys. Which of course, is not nearly fast enough for your liking, but after you are done your hands hurt from typing so much. It felt very good to be writing again.

It has been a long awaited reunion that I am happy to have occurred now. I can start looking at my board and plan the directions, twists, the “screw you” moments I will inevitably have.

It’s good to be writing again.


Write more. Enjoy what you do.

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